Marco Carolei

Taxi Please!

A peculiar taxi driver on board of the very best Italian car of all times: the Fiat 500! In this case the car has been transformed and it drives with an electric powerful engine in order to enter even in confined and closed spaces without any damage for the audiences health! An ecological contemporary show for any event cultural or commercial.

There is also the possibility to insert a special logo of your company on the roof of the car, exactly like the real ones riding in New York! This powerful energetic and irresistible performance is a “must” for any festival or special event. In 2007 the car was even flew to Korea for a small tour!

Technical needs:

  • Large space to drive in circle of a minimum of 10 meters diagonal
  • A covered and secured garage or protected space to store the car near the performing area
  • Electricity to charge batteries, water and a comfortable dressing room
  • One or possibly more persons from the organization to keep spectators at a secure distance during the show
  • One personal assistant is traveling with me to help driving the truck and for the preparation of the special car

NOTE: the car has no official circulation papers and it is considered a theatre prop. Eventual responsibility and security has to be arranged by the festival organization.

Marco Carolei